Recent Projects by Denver Concrete Company

If you would like more examples of our work, please don't hesitate to ask!

Polo Club North Dam Construction & Pour in Cherry Creek

Designing, constructing and  pouring the dam at Polo Club North for their pond system was one of our more challenging and favorite projects we have done to date.

The Polo Club North wanted to have the ability to drain one of their ponds without draining the entire pond system. The problem solving needed for these types of projects are exactly what we like to tackle here at Denver Concrete Company.  Often it takes ideas from all of our employees, not just our project managers to get these challenging projects completed.

Pond Excavation Denver

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New Front Steps in Denver, CO

New Concrete Steps - Denver, COThe owner of this home in Denver wanted to replace their front steps as they had cracked and broken off their front porch.  The owner also wanted to add an additional step and make them longer for a nicer entrance.  We tore out the exisiting steps and part of the sidewalk and poured 3 new steps with rebar.  We also tied into the existing porch so this wouldn't happen in the future.

At Denver Concete, we work on small projects like this all the time in the metro.  This scope of work falls under our job minimum.  If you have a small concrete project you would like to get a quote on, please give us a call (303) 848-8447.

Concrete Stair replacement